I thought it would be fun if Court's birthday started last night and then continued until tonight...so last night I gave Court his first present, A bag of assorted candies from the Sweet Factory. And I then labored (hehe, not really) in the kitchen to make his second present that was for today's lunch.
Because you see Court LOVES meatloaf but I have never made it. (Actually I think I made it once at home when I was in charge of the weekday cooking, but that was a long time ago!) So yesterday I called up mom and asked what all went in meatloaf and then without any real recipe I made meatloaf. Hamburger, two eggs (one didn't seem like enough so I threw in a second), Worcestershire sauce, garlic and herb bread crumbs, a little chopped up onion, and ground mustard. (you know that you wanted to know all that. :p okay, so probably not...but oh well.) and I then put it into little heart shaped silicone cupcake thingies and cooked it up. Wouldn't you know I forgot two ingredients....salt and pepper. Luckily they are good add-ons and it allowed Court to put on the amount that he liked! They turned out pretty tasty (especially with added salt and pepper) and I think Court liked what I had done especially for his birthday lunch.
And then on the way home from meeting I asked him when he wanted his last and final present. In the morning, when he woke up at 3:30 or in the evening at his parents when they give him their gifts. And his reply was, " it doesn't matter to me. Whenever." So I inform him that if I give it to him in the morning he can use it then. And so I guess he was puzzling over that (he was thinking, 'coffee mug? She got me a coffee mug? What?'). And so a little while later he asks if I could just give it to him that night. And so I finally agreed and gave him the book on cd that he wanted (The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Book 5)). It was so funny though that he wasn't sure and then once he had a hint he couldn't stand not knowing. :) haha, my husband cracks me up.
Anyways, tonight we head to the Mongolian Grill (YUM) to celebrate with his family and then on to their house for presents! It should be fun!!! And then Saturday my family is stopping by to give him their present for him. :)
Yay for birthdays and the fun of presents!! :) Court can't remember what he asked for and so he has no idea what my family got him. Hahaha. It is driving him crazy and he keeps trying to convince me that I should remind him. haha. He is so goofy.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A couple pictures of Brayden...even though she only mentioned Zachary's pictures...*griN*
What a silly 4 year-old

Trying out Lynn's letters to see if they work without paint...looks pretty good!
Caution: Boy At Play
Want to know why a bunch of pictures of Zachary appeared...?!?! Well, Sandra said she would comment if I put some pictures of Zachary up...and so I did. :) The things you do for comments. :) Hehe, hope you enjoy them!!
Come on people...you know that you want to comment. :)
Which one do you like best? Can you guess which picture isn't edited?
Maybe you like Zachary in one and the grass in another...please tell me.
I am trying to learn what and how to photoshop in a way that pleases the most people...
so if you feel like helping...leave a comment.
I love this picture of the little man! The only problem is the garbage behind him!!
So, this is how I took care of that problem!! :)
And then I love this series!
'Oops, I looked at her!!'
'Quick look away! I'll just watch Brayden, then she won't catch me again.'
Hehe, so CUTE!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
My little counter on the page shows that 7 people have viewed my page....but I don't see any new comments...come on people...leaving comments is normal behavior :) Hehe.
Want to hear my exciting news? I have a week off starting today!! YAY!!! :) The people I work for left for California last night and won't be flying back until Friday night. :) Anyways, I am going to try to work on editing pictures for Sandra and cleaning house during my time off. :) Although to jumpstart my week I am heading to Megan's this afternoon to hang out and then watch Ellia while Megan teaches paino. Sounds like fun to me!! :)
And then on to other Barndt news, guess who has to work Saturdays now (on top of working 10 hour days the rest of the week). Court does. Poor guy. Although I think he is excited by the prospect of extra money. :)
So you ask how did I spend my first Courtless Saturday? Well I "did the puyallup" with my mom, sister Melissa, Megan, and little Ellia. Oh and the Modins joined us as well. Melissa and Conner hung out with us
and Missy headed off to enjoy the rides with Andrew and Daniel.
We had so much fun! We went through a lot of the animals barns for Ellia, who is in that stage where she loves to see animals and learn their sounds. The horse barn was funny because the whole time she was waving and saying "Hi Neigh Neigh." It was so cute! Then in the Bunny/chicks/roosters/all kinds of birds barn she kept saying "taw taw" because she thought that if you're a bird then you probably sound like a crow. Anyways she was a real joy. :)
And then when she fell asleep we hit the shopping parts and saw a lot of fun things. I bought an Usborne book for Ellia. (I love Usborne, their books are so much fun for little ones. Well and big ones to!) And then her Mama and Grandma bought her some more! So little Ellia left with three new fun books!! :)
I also bought a lot of flavored honey...it tasted so good on their little sampling sticks. YUM!! :) I got Cinnamon, Blackberry, Lemon, Maple Cream, Spiced Apple, and Chocolate velvet. It is yummy, and local!! :) hehe. I am helping the local economy. :) At least that is my excuse! *griN*
Oh and we went to a horse show, I think it was draft horses, it was a lot of fun watching them pull the wagon and maneuver around the cones. Only one team knocked down a cone. Ellia kept clapping and say "Yay Neigh Neigh" haha and then every now and then she would actually make a horsey sound it was so cute!! And if you are thinking well isn't saying neigh niegh making a horsey sound? Let me assure you...it isn't. Her horsey noise is a neigh that goes up in places, down in others, and sounds a lot like a horse. :) She is so talented!
Well, I am off to try to do some cleaning before I head out, so ta-ta!! :)
Want to hear my exciting news? I have a week off starting today!! YAY!!! :) The people I work for left for California last night and won't be flying back until Friday night. :) Anyways, I am going to try to work on editing pictures for Sandra and cleaning house during my time off. :) Although to jumpstart my week I am heading to Megan's this afternoon to hang out and then watch Ellia while Megan teaches paino. Sounds like fun to me!! :)
And then on to other Barndt news, guess who has to work Saturdays now (on top of working 10 hour days the rest of the week). Court does. Poor guy. Although I think he is excited by the prospect of extra money. :)
So you ask how did I spend my first Courtless Saturday? Well I "did the puyallup" with my mom, sister Melissa, Megan, and little Ellia. Oh and the Modins joined us as well. Melissa and Conner hung out with us
and Missy headed off to enjoy the rides with Andrew and Daniel.
We had so much fun! We went through a lot of the animals barns for Ellia, who is in that stage where she loves to see animals and learn their sounds. The horse barn was funny because the whole time she was waving and saying "Hi Neigh Neigh." It was so cute! Then in the Bunny/chicks/roosters/all kinds of birds barn she kept saying "taw taw" because she thought that if you're a bird then you probably sound like a crow. Anyways she was a real joy. :)
And then when she fell asleep we hit the shopping parts and saw a lot of fun things. I bought an Usborne book for Ellia. (I love Usborne, their books are so much fun for little ones. Well and big ones to!) And then her Mama and Grandma bought her some more! So little Ellia left with three new fun books!! :)
I also bought a lot of flavored honey...it tasted so good on their little sampling sticks. YUM!! :) I got Cinnamon, Blackberry, Lemon, Maple Cream, Spiced Apple, and Chocolate velvet. It is yummy, and local!! :) hehe. I am helping the local economy. :) At least that is my excuse! *griN*
Oh and we went to a horse show, I think it was draft horses, it was a lot of fun watching them pull the wagon and maneuver around the cones. Only one team knocked down a cone. Ellia kept clapping and say "Yay Neigh Neigh" haha and then every now and then she would actually make a horsey sound it was so cute!! And if you are thinking well isn't saying neigh niegh making a horsey sound? Let me assure you...it isn't. Her horsey noise is a neigh that goes up in places, down in others, and sounds a lot like a horse. :) She is so talented!
Well, I am off to try to do some cleaning before I head out, so ta-ta!! :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
know anyone who wants pictures taken?
So, now that I have a nice camera I am open for business so if you know of anyone who wants pictures taken give me a call! I will go through them with photoshop and clean them up, and then give them to you on a disc. Unless you would like to pay me to take them to a photo printing place so that you don't have the hassle.
(Hopefully someday I will have my own printer.)
So, yep...let me know! Right now since I am just trying to get experience basically your cost is my gas. We can meet a park....your home...wherever. I have back drops to do formal pictures or we can just use the great outdoors! :)
A couple sample pictures so that you know that although I am just starting I can still take good pictures!!
So anyways if you would like pictures taken leave a comment and if I know you will get ahold of you! :) Thanks!
Oh, and yes these are the boys I nanny...cute huh?! :)
(Hopefully someday I will have my own printer.)
So, yep...let me know! Right now since I am just trying to get experience basically your cost is my gas. We can meet a park....your home...wherever. I have back drops to do formal pictures or we can just use the great outdoors! :)
A couple sample pictures so that you know that although I am just starting I can still take good pictures!!
:) As you can tell I didn't photoshop any of these..whoops!
My Favorite!
Oh, and yes these are the boys I nanny...cute huh?! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Peach
One of my favorite fruits would have to be a peach. And a week ago today I had an awesome peach!! It didn't come from the supermarket, instead it came from a box of peaches brought over from the other side of the mountains. On, and the kicker... it had been chilled in the fridge....YUM!! :)
So, later when waiting for Sandra at a park, I looked over on my passenger seat and there was the peach I was bringing to her...and I remembered the taste of the one that I had eaten, and I decided to take some pictures of hers. Because surely if a peach can taste so heavenly it must be photogenic. And guess what?!...it was!! :)
Or, maybe you like the photoshopped versions
So, later when waiting for Sandra at a park, I looked over on my passenger seat and there was the peach I was bringing to her...and I remembered the taste of the one that I had eaten, and I decided to take some pictures of hers. Because surely if a peach can taste so heavenly it must be photogenic. And guess what?!...it was!! :)
And here is the evidence to prove it :) Which one do you like best?
Or, maybe you like the photoshopped versions
Monday, September 7, 2009
My trees...
So, now that you've met my darling little bush, 'Rory'...I would like to introduce you to my maples as well.
I have two of them, a flowering maple with darling apricot/peach colored blooms. And then another one that is a japanase maple that I believe is called a moon maple. In fall it is simnply gorgeous. Their names are Mabel, the moon maple and April, the flowering maple. :D
I have two of them, a flowering maple with darling apricot/peach colored blooms. And then another one that is a japanase maple that I believe is called a moon maple. In fall it is simnply gorgeous. Their names are Mabel, the moon maple and April, the flowering maple. :D
Aren't they cute? :) The pictures aren't the greatest since I took them last night in the dark...but oh well!!
Mabel is looking really good considering the fact that I basically killed her off this summer...you see I kind of forgot to water her (...oops!) and so after all the leaves turned brown and started shriveling up I began to water her again. Now Court was fairly sure that it was just the end for Mabel but I was determined to bring her back.
And the funny thing is not only has she releafed out but I think she is looking almost better then before!
So my new gardening philosophy is don't water...and then when they look dead but aren't quite dead begin to water like crazy. :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Lynn's actually birthday day
On Friday, my actual b-day I received a cute topiary bush, from the family that I work for.
I love it!! I can't for the life of me remember what type of tree it is but it is super cute and feels really soft when you touch it! The only problem lies in the fact that I am really scared that I will accidently chop to much off of it when I try trimming it!
(Oh, and if you click on the view on black under the picture it will give you a well...bigger picture to view on black. I highly recommend it, since the pictures look cool on there. *griN*)
So, anyways my birthday evening was then spent with the Wollastons. Megan, Brandon, and their little princess Ellia. We went out to eat at the Mongolian Grill ( I love that place, and as you can see so does Ellia) and then we headed over to their house to hang out and eat cupcakes that were leftover from my work birthday party.
I love this!! The hand is coming...
I love this picture of her with with all the water in her mouth...hehehe she is so cute!
I thought you might want to see how much Ellia looooovveeess her dolly!! :)
All in all it was an awesome birthday, as you can tell by the little cutie I spent my evening with!
Lynn had a birthday party...
Well, as you probably know I just turned 23. Wow, I feel old. I know, I know, I am not really that old, though. *griN*
Anyways, we celebrated my birthday on a Thursday because both sets of parents were heading out of town on Friday, which was my real birthday. I thought we were just meeting family at the Barndt home, because that is what my dear husband led me to believe. But then when we didn't take our normal exit I got suspicious and when we turned off the main road I became downright certain that we were heading to Olive Garden (one of my favourites). I wasn't terribly suprised by this since I had been pretty sure that Court was hiding something about my birthday from me...but then I was extremely suprised when one of my best friends, Sandra and her boys (B-man and lil' Z) were there as well!!
Anyways we had a great dinner at Olive Garden, I even got the chance to sit be lil' Z for dinner and then had B-man on my lap for a little while as well! What a privilige!
So, after dinner we all headed back to Kim and Layne's (they're my wonderful in-laws), were we had cake, (it was a super cute ladybug cake) Ice cream, and (drumroll please) presents!!! :)
I recieved TWO (did you hear me? I said TWO...2...dos) cameras!! EEEEKKKK! I was so super excited!! Sandra got me a really cute little handy-dandy Sony. And then everyone else got together to buy me a CANON REBEL!!!!!!!!! It is a really awesome camera and I cannot wait to get started taking professional pictures with it!
So, thank you SOOO much Sandra for my Sony, and everyone else.....THANKS FOR THE CANON!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Well, thanks for reading this all (at least I hope you kept readin' it!)
Anyways, we celebrated my birthday on a Thursday because both sets of parents were heading out of town on Friday, which was my real birthday. I thought we were just meeting family at the Barndt home, because that is what my dear husband led me to believe. But then when we didn't take our normal exit I got suspicious and when we turned off the main road I became downright certain that we were heading to Olive Garden (one of my favourites). I wasn't terribly suprised by this since I had been pretty sure that Court was hiding something about my birthday from me...but then I was extremely suprised when one of my best friends, Sandra and her boys (B-man and lil' Z) were there as well!!
Anyways we had a great dinner at Olive Garden, I even got the chance to sit be lil' Z for dinner and then had B-man on my lap for a little while as well! What a privilige!
So, after dinner we all headed back to Kim and Layne's (they're my wonderful in-laws), were we had cake, (it was a super cute ladybug cake) Ice cream, and (drumroll please) presents!!! :)
I recieved TWO (did you hear me? I said TWO...2...dos) cameras!! EEEEKKKK! I was so super excited!! Sandra got me a really cute little handy-dandy Sony. And then everyone else got together to buy me a CANON REBEL!!!!!!!!! It is a really awesome camera and I cannot wait to get started taking professional pictures with it!
So, thank you SOOO much Sandra for my Sony, and everyone else.....THANKS FOR THE CANON!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Well, thanks for reading this all (at least I hope you kept readin' it!)
Wow! CourtLynn has a blog now too. :)
Well, I finally managed to convince my husband that we really needed to get a blog. And so well, we have one now!
So as I start this blog I just want to let anybody out there reading this know what they can expect. Because if you are out there hoping that you can come here and just view a couple of pictures, I am sorry but you will be hoping for a long time. Because, I am a bit of a chatterbox (some of you know this already :p hehe) and so although my blog will often have pictures on it (at least I hope it will) I also plan to just type and express some thoughts and feelings and such to anyone out there. :) So, prepare to be bored. ;)
So as I start this blog I just want to let anybody out there reading this know what they can expect. Because if you are out there hoping that you can come here and just view a couple of pictures, I am sorry but you will be hoping for a long time. Because, I am a bit of a chatterbox (some of you know this already :p hehe) and so although my blog will often have pictures on it (at least I hope it will) I also plan to just type and express some thoughts and feelings and such to anyone out there. :) So, prepare to be bored. ;)
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