Wednesday, December 23, 2009

misc pictures just because!...

Brothers make good leaning posts!

My socks say's Sam on the bottom. Haha. It was pretty funny!

I love my brother!

This is what happens when you tell a silly two year-old to smile.

" What's dat noise,  Nyn?"

My parents

...more in love today then when they got married.


I took these pictures while I was playing around with my camera waiting for my photoshoot subjects to arrive...
Do you want to see the ones of people?...hmm, maybe?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are you in love? I am!

Isn't it crazy to think that little one was the size of a blueberry last week

And is now the size of a large rasberry!?!?

I am in LOVE!!! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009


I have something the size of a blueberry in me!!...well more like a large raspberry at this point.
I will be eight weeks Sunday!! :)


:) :) :) :)

I am beginning to think that nobody reads this...but oh well.

If you do maybe you can leave some comments!!

Because now that I am an emotion filled pregnant woman you don't want to upset me by not leaving comments...RIGHT!!! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can you decipher toddler talk? UPDATED!!

What does "Just two tend" mean?

Anyone know?? (Well, except for Marianne...who I told what it means.) haha.

For those of you who are is an easier one.


:) That one is pretty self-explanatory.

Anyways...good luck!!


Well, even though NOBODY tried to guess...(not even the easy one).
I guess I can still fill you in on what these phrases mean. "just pretend' and obviously rhinoceros.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Have you ever...

Have you ever felt sick to your stomach...but not known why?

Have you ever craved an orange REALLY bad...but not known why?

Have you ever just been SUPER hungry...but not known why?

Has a walk around the zoo ever just taken it out of you...but you don't know why?

Well...I have. But I know why.