Friday, January 7, 2011

5 months

5 months ago we welcomed Cameron Arthur Maximilian Barndt into the world, 5 months ago I saw my husband fall in love, I saw parents become grandparents, and I saw my husband become a daddy.

And now 5 months later I love watching my husband be a daddy. He usually groans and moans when it's his turn to take the baby but once Cam is in his arms, it's a magical transformation and suddenly he is smiling, talking in a sing-song voice, laughing in funny tones to see if it makes his son laugh, the list goes on and on. And let me tell you, it's so much fun to watch. :) Sometimes I give Cameron to him even though I don't really need to just so that I can watch him be a daddy.  Although he usually catches on and the baby is handed back to me while he tries to frown and be unhappy that I just interrupted whatever he was trying to do. Watching Court love Cam man makes me love Court so very much more. He is an amazing daddy, thanks Layne for teaching him so well!!

Then, there is the little guy. My 5 month-old sweetheart, Cam, Cam man, Max, Cameron Arthur, dude, etc. He has so many, many, nicknames. Poor child, his mommy loves nicknames...although you've probably already heard that. :) He is a sweet, fun, adorable little one and I love him. There are so many things that make him laugh, sometimes it's me calling him dude, sometimes it's me calling him Max, sometimes it's his daddy laughing, sometimes it's his daddy just saying hi. Sometimes it's his daddy just looking over at him. He loves his parents, you can see it in the way he looks at us, the way he laughs at silly things we say or do, he loves us and for that I'm thankful.

He sits up for short periods of time but he quickly falls over. Sometimes he falls over because he just starts listing to the side (it's really funny to watch...mainly just cause he's so cute!!...even while falling over) at other times it's a quick fall because he lunges for a toy. :) So cute, so fun watching him learn.

He has been growing like crazy lately.  He loves his baby food, although you have to mix his veggies with fruits so that he won't just drool them back out. :) Silly baby. I spoil him though and mix his green beans with banana mixed berry so that he'll eat them. 

Well, Cam's busy trying to get the keyboard, and my face, so I'm going to go now. :)