Monday, February 28, 2011

January catch up...:)

 Exercising wears Cameron out. :)

Well, either that his Grandpa managed to bore him to sleep. :)

Do you see his socks slipping off...silly baby feet. :D

Oh, to be young and able to sleep anywhere!!

January....Fo-hawk (is that how you spell it??)

When I was a nanny for my twin boys (I miss those little guys), I used to have so much fun doing their hair. Fo-hawks, Spikes, what we called a porcupine (spikes all over), it was a lot of fun and those hair-dos were so adorable!! When I found out I was pregnant with a little boy this was my happy place, knowing that someday when he had hair I could have fun with it. I could make him the kid with the cutest hair-dos. :)

And now he has hair!! :) Not quite enough but still...I work with what I've got. :) 

So I gave him a Fo-hawk for Wednesday night bible study back in January. And although I haven't tried it again yet, I did edit the pictures and get them put on my blog finally, so what do you think? Does he have the cutest hairstyle ever?

Or maybe just the cutest eyes ever? 
I need to catch his sideways mouth thing better on camera, but you can kind of see it here.. :) Silly boy!!

Getting ready for meeting is so tiring when you are 5 months old. :)

I love how he rubs his eyes when he is adorable!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

6 months

I can't believe Cam is 6 months old, but he is so I had better post an update. :)
As I type this Cameron is being a squirming little guy, trying to reach the keyboard, trying to get down, hitting the desk, constant movement is his thing right now. :)
If you lay him down on the floor he loves rolling, he has become a real pro at it recently and does it all the time, which isn't to great when I am trying to get him to sleep. :) But it does mean a happier camper when he is playing on the floor which is really nice! The other thing is he loving to work on is his sitting. He loves trying to sit up! We usually sit on the couch at meeting now days because then he can attempt to sit up for part of the meeting. :) Sometimes this means that I actually get to use my bible for more then just giving my testimony, and then other times it means I am spending the entire meeting trying to re-balance the baby, get the toy that he threw out of reach is now falling over to get, or pick the thrown pacifier off the floor. :)

Meeting has become harder as he has become more vocal, and a lot more busy. :) The fact that he now knows how to use his hands doesn't help things at all. If you put a pacifier in he is busy trying to take it out, maybe to chew on it, maybe to hold it in his hand while he does his funny little wrist wave with it, or maybe just to drop it. :) He is also very attracted to our bibles and hymnbook. As soon as he hears my bible or sees the hymnbook he is leaning, reaching, and grabbing.

He is really into his hands right now, Court and I were peeking into the bedroom Sunday morning where Cameron was laying on the bed by himself just playing with his hands and talking to himself, so precious!