Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile!!

Where does the time go? Cameron is almost three months old now and although I had a grand plan to take pictures of him everyday so that I could watch him change, grow and become my big boy I have slipped up. Pictures are taken only when I see the camera sitting there...nearby. And if Cameron is in a good mood. And if I am not feeling lazy. But I have purposed to do better and have already picked up the camera today!! And I even took pictures yesterday too!! :) What a record!!

I know the question you all are really asking though isn't "where did the time go?" but rather "where have you been?". *Grin* I know I haven't been the best at updating recently but I do have some good reasons! I've been watching some kids again!! I take care of a eight month old boy and occasionally his five year-old brother. Although the older boy is in all day kindergarten so I rarely have him. :) It's been fun, occasionally hectic, and it has taught Cameron a little bit about being patient (ok, I know you can't really teach a 2 month-old this). :) The eight month-old (E) is very interested in Cameron and likes to smile at him. :) I can't wait until Cameron starts noticing him! It'll start seeming like I am taking care of twins again!! :) It's been nice having Cam with me in the car because then I can be in the carpool lane!! I no longer have to plan extra time into my commute in case of traffic, which is a good thing since I doubt Cameron would want to sit in the car outside work for ten to fifteen minutes on days when the traffic is good!!

At Mr. Max's 2 month appointment he hit the charts pretty good! 25th percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height, and 30th for his head size. He has been growing like crazy recently. He is almost out of his 0-3 clothes and can even fit into some of his 3-6! His little legs are getting a little roly-poly on the thigh area, SO ADORABLE!! :) I am in love with my little man! I swear he couldn't be any cuter! 

As I type this he is all swaddled up, Bink in mouth, laying on a chair next to me fast asleep. I sure do love it when he gets a good nap in! He has become so responsive and cheerful if he is rested and fed. Which is a good thing unless we are at meeting! His new thing is to push the Bink out with his tongue and then smile and talk to everyone. :) He loves looking around at the different people/things in the room and then smiling like crazy and kicking his feet. :) What a fun lovable little man I have!! My Cam Art Max. That's my boy. ;) hehe

Oh and the other thing that is taking up so much of my time...Facebook. I finally gave in and it's like this never ending hole that you can place time in. I am always checking to see if anyone has said anything interesting to someone else, or if they've "liked" my status. I am also trying to place pictures on there so that everyone else can ooh and aah over my sweet child's face and like his pictures. :) Because seriously what isn't there to like about a sweet baby face?

I guess I had better stop writing so that you might just maybe finish reading all of this in one go rather then having to come back and finish it this evening or even tomorrow! :) Have a good meeting tomorrow!!

p.s. pictures later!

1 comment:

BuZy Family said...

Ok! Well now it's Nov. 18th and still no pictures. It's easier to comment on pictures than on words! ;) Love ya!