Thursday, August 26, 2010

some pictures!!!

Sorry they aren't edited...maybe later i'll find time and energy... :)

Sunday morning not even 24 hrs old...sitting with Gramps
Grandma-Great was very impressed by her first great.
Where are Mommy's ribs?...why is it so bright?...Who are all these people?
Daddy is so proud. I'm glad that I went through it all to give him this baby.
he loves crossing his feet already. :)

oh yeah...

I forgot to mention all his info in the last post, so although you probably already know...I'm going to write it down anyways...

Cameron Arthur Maximilian Barndt was born at 10:18 on the seventh of August 2010. He weighed 8 lbs 4 ounces and measured 20 3/4 inches. He was perfect in every way.

Thank You Sandra for the amazing pictures!!!

Mr. Cameron's birth story...

My midwife told me that I should write down his birth story because she thinks it was pretty amazing. I guess at a meeting of midwifes and physicians they were talking about his birth and how amazing it was and how if I hadn't done what I did the outcome would have been so different. I am not quite sure why she thinks his birth is so amazing but I guess I'll write it down for you guys!

I had been having pretty powerful pains, mostly in the lower back, off and on for quite some time but nothing serious. And then on Wednesday some type of fluid began leaking. At first I thought I might be going into labor but when no consistent pains began I realized that it must not be my water. Thursday morning I went in for my checkup and mentioned it to my midwife but she didn't seem to worried. After checking me she said that I was only dilated to a 1 and if I wanted I could try Castor oil on the weekend but it would only work if my body was ready. Friday evening Court and I headed to Walgreen's to purchase some Castor oil and early Saturday morning Court cooked up some eggs with Castor oil in them.
Oh man, just the thought of those eggs is making me feel sick!! He cooked them REALLY long and added cinnamon to "hide the Castor oil taste." They looked like turkey gizzards. I barely chocked them down without throwing up. *shudder*

I then went and laid down for a nap since I hadn't slept well the night before because I was still leaking fluid and was in the uncomfortable overdue position. While napping Marianne called twice and the last time I was finally awake enough to answer the phone. She said that she had talked to some people and really thought I should go in and have my midwife make sure it wasn't my water leaking because if it was it could be very dangerous. So I called and Nancy said that she'd be home for the next couple hours so Court and I got ready and headed to the birth center. She said my water sac was intact, I was still only dilated to a one, but she wanted to do another stress test even though she had just done one on Thursday.
During the test we noticed that his heart rate was going down after mild contractions. She decided to send us to the hospital for another stress test and as we headed there I started having contractions although I didn't realize that's what they were at the time! At the hospital admitting desk the lady thought I was in labor, but I assured her I wasn't actually in labor just having pains since I was overdue.

We headed upstairs for the stress test and just after changing into the hospital gown and getting hooked up to the stress test my water broke! The decision was made that we would stay at the hospital since his heart rate was still doing strange things. Marianne picked up our stuff from our house and came to the hospital to meet us. I was having really bad back labor and Marianne was a LIFE SAVER!! I ended up having to stay on my left side and be on oxygen for most of  the labor due to his heart rate. There were many times during the 8 1/2 hours that nurses would come running in my room telling me I had to breath deeper. I managed to dilate a cm every hour or so...and so at about ten the doctor came in and stayed. He just sat and watched the monitor and they would continue to tell me BREATHE Lynn Breathe every few minutes would Cam's heart rate would dip down. At one point I was trying so hard to do what they said, deep breath in the nose, then out the mouth...and the nurse came in and told me I was hyperventilating and I needed to calm down. Man these people should try going through hard contractions with no real space between them WHILE TRYING TO BREATH DEEP!...oh and without any pain med's!!! I remember there near the end I knew the OR was prepped for us. I had heard them outside the room calling people into the hospital just in case. I knew that this could easily go C-section now, and I remember thinking I had wasted so much time in tremendous pain, I had even wasted weeks being pregnant. If I was going to have a C-section I could of had him earlier! :) But I still tried so hard to focus my way through contractions breathing as deep as I could so that my babies heart would do good. Eventually the Dr. said we were going to try and get him out with the help of the vacuum. So they got me ready and then they said on the next contraction, I didn't know you could push like that. I only had three tries and I gave it my all. I remember thinking my head was going to blow Douala later told me that she got worried too at one point because my head was all purple and blue. :) Anyways he was born with his cord wrapped around his neck, so they cut it before he was even fully born...if I understand correctly, and when he came out he was taken to the other side of the room were they gave him some oxygen and I eventually heard little baby noises. Wow, that made me glad! The little while he wasn't making noise I was so worried!!!

A side note, I remember being in labor and the pains were coming so fast and so hard and just then Court's family called...first my phone then Court's phone. And I didn't want him to leave my side so I told him just turn your phone off. We'll call them once he is here. Well...a little while later Court said he had to use the restroom...I remember telling him to hurry up because I needed him...later I find out that Marianne sent him to the bathroom to call his family and tell them to call mine. :) I thought something was up but he was so quiet in their that I decided he must have truly just needed to use the restroom.

Anyways...hope this makes sense...I might try and go through and edit later...but right now I am to tired. :)