Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two year-olds are a struggle...but so much fun!!

I thought I would share some little things about the two year-olds that I take care of. So here goes...

As many of you know I am a nanny to two year-old twins. Jack and Sam. I've been with them since they were 4 months-old so I have become a main part of their life. For example, when I was sick earlier this year and unable to work for a couple of days their mom said that everytime they heard a key in the lock, they would cry my name and run to the foyer.

They love me and I love them.

 These are some second birthday pictures that I took. What fun!! :)

Ok, so I wanted to tell you some of the struggles that make up my workdays and some of the joys that make those struggles well worth it!!

I think our main struggle of the moment is sibling rivalry. One has a toy, all of a sudden the other needs it. When mom's home the one crying and demanding that "not Sam have it, Jack have it" (or the other way around) often gets a treat or something to make them stop crying and not want whatever their brother has...but with me things go a little differently. :)

One thing that I have really appreciated about this age is their honesty. When I will be in the other room and hear a fight break out over a toy I often just need to go ask who had it first and the answer is supplied. I hope that doesn't end soon! :)

And then if Sam says 'it's raining.' Jack will say, 'no it's not raining.' ALWAYS ALWAYS contradicting. Even when Sam is speaking the truth. It's really starting to get on my nerves.

But then there are Jack's funny phrases. The way he has just recently learned to tack the word anyway onto a sentance, 'cow says moo, anyways.' 'I have a train, anyways.' Haha. It's really funny and I have no idea why he has decided it should end all of his sentances. :)

And then there is the way they will say excuse me. SOOO cute. :) Once asked what they need to say, they are always prompt to say it. :)

About a month ago they spent a whole day answering questions like this...'uh, no please.' 'uh, yes please.' haha. Now they will still answer 'uh, no please.' every now and then but not nearly as much as that one day.

Haha, and then there was the day I took them to play in puddles. Hahaha, I outfitted them in boots and raincoats and we headed out in the pouring rain for the park at the end of the street. As luck would have it the baseball daimond had HUGE puddles on it and they spent about a half hour stomping, jumping, and walking in the puddles. Sam fell down at one point but quickly got himself up and continued playing, but when Jack fell down (in the middle of a puddle) you would think his world had just ended. So, not wanting to get myself wet I reassured him that he was okay and if he got up and came over to me I would make sure. But I guess it was a tad to traumatic so he stayed sitting the puddle crying. So I asked Sam to go help him Sam goes over and places a hand on each side of Jack's head and begins to try lifting him up by his head. :) hahahahahaha... I quickly prompted him to try taking his hand instead and so Sam held Jack's hand so that his brother could get up. It was so cute and so funny. :) And then Jack insisted on trying to clean his hands off in the puddle because they were dirty from falling. :) He is so funny.

And then yesterday I asked them if they wanted to go somewhere, to which Jack replies, "THE FAIR! See elephants!!"( I have no idea where he got the idea there where elephants at the fair...but okay!) So Sam, hearing
Jack came rushing towards us crying "THE FAIR! THE FAIR! Go to the FAIR!"I then had to inform them that the fair wasn't here anymore but we had some other choices. So I said, "We can go to the Zoo, the Aquarium, or the park." Before I had even finished saying zoo Sam is chanting "Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, Zoo..." So I quickly packed a  lunch and we got ready to I was getting us ready Sam tried to convince me he should wear his crocs (with a devilish grin and the funniest tone of voice) he proclaimed "Not sneakers, wear crocs.". To which I reminded him that he could either wear sneakers or rain boots. Then he got all excited about rain boots and forgot all about his crocs. :)

I know I have some more funny stories but I cannot remember them right now so this will have to be all. :)
Hope you enjoyed yourself!!


kim said...

Ha Ha how cute! I think they are preparing you for motherhood!! Do you always dress them alike? It is so cute. How is your "new" camera working out? Was fun to go to dinner again...come use my CRICUT sometime!! Kim

Tia said...

Lynn these pictures are soooo awesome! You should be a photographer!! Well you already are I guess...