Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lynn's actually birthday day

On Friday, my actual b-day I received a cute topiary bush, from the family that I work for.
I love it!! I can't for the life of me remember what type of tree it is but it is super cute and feels really soft when you touch it! The only problem lies in the fact that I am really scared that I will accidently chop to much off of it when I try trimming it!
 (Oh, and if you click on the view on black under the picture it will give you a well...bigger picture to view on black. I highly recommend it, since the pictures look cool on there. *griN*)
So, anyways my birthday evening was then spent with the Wollastons. Megan, Brandon, and their little princess Ellia. We went out to eat at the Mongolian Grill ( I love that place, and as you can see so does Ellia) and then we headed over to their house to hang out and eat cupcakes that were leftover from my work birthday party.
I love this!! The hand is coming...
I love this picture of her with with all the water in her mouth...hehehe she is so cute!
I thought you might want to see how much Ellia looooovveeess her dolly!! :)
All in all it was an awesome birthday, as you can tell by the little cutie I spent my evening with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Mongolian Grill IS awesome!