Wednesday, September 15, 2010


OK, so I am doing some catchup here, I'm really sorry but I haven't been on here for quite sometime!  :) And I'll give you some pictures later when I find the cord for my camera!!!

Cameron had some surgery today on his male parts, what fun!! They gave him Tylenol before the surgery and boy oh boy did he like it!! :) He was licking his lips and really seemed to enjoy the flavor. It was really funny!! :) I can't wait to show you the pictures!

Afterwards we went and hung out with Sandra and Zackery. Zackery is a super funny three year old. when we were at their house and the baby was crying Zack wanted us to put him back in the carseat because maybe then he wouldn't cry. :) He was following me around dragging the carseat by the handle saying "put her in here." "Maybe she wants to go in here." Brayden and Zackery both call him a her half the cute!!

I stopped at a consignment shop on the way home and saw a lady with a 5 wk old baby. The poor woman didn't know how to shower when it was just her and the baby...I felt so sorry for her!! 

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