Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today was Taylor's heart surgery ( he had/has SVT). So Cameron and I spent some time hanging out at the hospital with Gran, Gramps, and Uncle TJ. The surgery went good, although they are not completely sure that they managed to get all of it...and so there is a chance that the problem (a fast heart rate) will occur again. But I haven't heard of it happening yet, so we'll see!!

This was also our anniversary!! We've been married now for 3 years, I can't believe it! I'll try to get the wedding pictures on this computer and then I'll post a couple! :) We celebrated by leaving Cameron for the first time! He stayed with Gran, Gramps, Aunt Kayla, Uncle Gabe, and Uncle TJ. I guess he even went out to eat!! :) Court and I headed to outback for our first date without the baby were we just got appetizers because I didn't want to be away from Cameron for to long. :) I did pretty good, not freaking out...well kind of. :) I did think we should call and check in a couple times, but court convinced me he was probably fine, they would call if he hadn't stopped crying since we left...and he was right. :) Cameron was fast asleep when we got back to the hospital. He ended up going like 4 or 5 hours between feedings because he was just sleeping in his Gramps arms!

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