Friday, September 17, 2010


On the 11th we went to our first Husky game!! Marianne and Micheal bought Court and I tickets to the game as a joint birthday present. It was a great birthday present, we loved the game!!

We were a little bit worried that Cameron would have a hard time due to the noise level so we brought  his husky hat, and then put cotton balls between the hat and his ears. Most of the time he even had a burp cloth, and two blankets wrapped around his head as well. :) He seemed to really enjoy the game...he slept and slept and ate and ate and cried a little, and spent a little time just hanging out on my lap being happy. :)

The Husky's won the game (of course) and it was so much fun!!!!  There were a lot of other babies at the game, one who laughed every time the fans screamed, one who screamed (we gave them the extra cotton balls), and one who got on the screen and was wearing hunting earmuffs! :)


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