Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great-Grandma Lewis

A week ago today my mom, me, and Cameron took a road trip over the pass to see Cameron's great-grandma Lewis!! We stopped at a fruit stand and bought some peaches and other misc. goodies...YUM! While there I fueled Cameron up in the hopes that it would make him continue being happy on the road...unfortunately he didn't realize that was the plan and so he cried for the last 10 minutes or so of the trip. :) Oh well, at least he doesn't take after his aunt Missy who hated her car seat and would cry for almost the entire trip sometimes!! (although she finally learned that it was easier to just fall asleep in the car and then she slept for 5 minute trips and 5 hour trips. :) Good plan.)

He really liked his Great-Grandma and actually slept in her arms for a little while. She was quite funny with him when he started crying. She was trying to bounce him in order to calm him down...and she was shaking in her chair as she tried to calm him down. So cute!! She really seemed happy to have her daughter, granddaughter and great-grandson there to see her. :) I'm glad we were able to go see her!

I'll post some pictures later of our time with her...I can't find my cord for the camera I used to take pictures of her and Cameron!! Oh dear!!

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