Friday, September 17, 2010

09-10-2010 and Monday!!

Cameron went to the fair for the first time today!! We hitched a ride with Sandra Friday morning and headed off do the Puyallup! On the way there we accidently passed our exit and had to turn around at Fort Lewis. It was pretty funny, the guard man must see it alot because he didn't act terribly suprised that we just needed to turn around.

The fair was a lot of fun, we met and spent the day with my mom, sister Laura, and brother's girlfriend Brixton. and then in the evening Bradley and the boy's arrived to hang out as well. We also saw Sandra's mom and dad, Marlene and Gene, at the fair. It was a lot of fun, ate scones, watched demo's, spent money. :) All those fun things that you do at a fair!! :) Anyways, pictures later...when I find the camera cord. :) I really need to either find it or bring my big camera with me when we go places.

We went to the fair again on Monday with Cameron's auntie Kayla so that we could listen to The Coats.
They were really good...if you've never heard them you should listen to them. They are really good and really fun to watch in person! Gamps Layne met us for lunch at the fair because they were having some troubles with the network (oh yeah, my father-in-law set up the network for the fair. :) It's almost like knowing a famous person ;) hehe). Kayla, Cameron, and I had a lot of fun together at the fair, we watched all three of the Coat's concerts, shared an elephant ear, ran into my parents workers, had some darigold ice cream, it was a very fun day!

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