Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wow! CourtLynn has a blog now too. :)

Well, I finally managed to convince my husband that we really needed to get a blog. And so well, we have one now!

So as I start this blog I just want to let anybody out there reading this know what they can expect. Because if you are out there hoping that you can come here and just view a couple of pictures, I am sorry but you will be hoping for a long time. Because, I am a bit of a chatterbox (some of you know this already :p hehe) and so although my blog will often have pictures on it (at least I hope it will) I also plan to just type and express some thoughts and feelings and such to anyone out there. :) So, prepare to be bored. ;)


Tim said...

How cool! I look forward to reading your posts and looking at pictures

Anonymous said...

This is already boring...(sarcasm)